Advantages of Nipple Drinkers and Where to Buy Online

Day after day, the world is coming up with great innovations that make farming operations or activities easier to carry out. Some years back, poultry farmers usually make use of the regular plastic drinkers and buckets to serve water to their chickens. But now, we have nipple drinkers and nipple drinking system.

chicks drinking from a nipple drinker
Chicks drinking from a nipple drinker

What is a Nipple Drinking System?

Nipple drinking is a modern way to serve water to chickens without having to carry water around in buckets. The nipple drinking system is fully automated and is probably the most widely used chicken drinking system used by modern poultry farmers. There are different variants of nipple drinkers. These include:

A Nipple drinker with a cup

Advantages of Nipple Drinker or Nipple Drinking System

Some advantages of the nipple drinking system or nipple drinkers are:

  • It makes it easy to serve water to chickens
  • It helps in saving additional space and accommodate more chickens
  • It eases oral medication and vaccination of birds
  • It eases the management of poultry birds within a pen
  • If well-handled, it  reduces the incidence of rapid wet litters
  • It makes watering operation faster
  • It can be used in both battery-cage and deep-litter production system
  • It is durable as it is made with stainless steel

There are several nipple drinker manufacturers across the globe, however, according to my own research, the two most popular nipple drinking systems in the world are Impex nipples and Val nipple drinkers. They are both very good nipples. Val nipples are significantly more expensive than Impex nipples – I cannot tell you why because they both work equally well. The Impex nipples are a lot easier to install and maintain – they are both available with drip cups, which are in my opinion a waste of money. If the pressure in your drinker pipes is correct the nipple will only deliver what it is supposed to.

Well, that is by the way…

Leaking nipple drinkers are caused by high pressure and a dirty water source. If your water has solids it is likely to block any nipple drinking system. High pressure is usually caused by the slope of the ground of the chicken pen. This can be sorted out using a slope regulator.

How Nipple Drinkers Work

The water is delivered to nipple drinking pipes from a header tank on top of the chicken house. As the chickens need water they will peck at the nipple and a drop of water is released. It is a fantastic method of giving your chickens water. A well designed nipple will not drip or give too much water – this prevents the shavings getting wet – which can cause problems with the health of your chickens.

Nipple drinkers are quite specific to what kind of chicken farming you are doing – broilers, layers etc. They are also available in several flow levels – standard flow nipples, high flow and extra high flow nipples, measured in ml/minute.

All nipple drinkers require some maintenance – but the work involved in maintaining a nipple drinking system is a lot less work than filling buckets or cleaning out automatic drinkers. Both nipples are widely available – you buy nipple drinking systems for watering your poultry in Nigeria and South Africa.

Where to Buy High Quality Nipple Drinkers Online

If you are finding it challenging to find a reputable seller of high-quality nipple drinkers or a place where you can get same, then worry no more.

Afrimash is one of the trusted online marketplace for livestock farmers to buy things such as nipple drinkers, cages and day old chicks. You only need to place order for the nipple drinkers via your smartphone or computer, supply your shipping address, and wait for the nipple drinkers to be delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria. Rest assured that your money and items are safe when you make purchases on Afrimash. I have used them severally and I have never been disappointed.

Click here to check the Nipple Drinkers available on Afrimash

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