Afro chickens are a fascinating and unique breed of chickens that have tufts or crests of fluffy feathers on their heads that resemble afros. These beautiful birds come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, and have captivated the hearts of chicken enthusiasts for generations. Not only do they look stunning, but they also have unique personalities and histories that make them an intriguing subject to learn about.
In this article, we will introduce you to 10 chicken breeds with afros (fluffy head chickens) and tell you some interesting facts about each one. From the ornamental Sultan chicken to the dual-purpose Houdan chicken, each breed has its distinct characteristics that make them stand out in the world of chickens. So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of crested chickens and discover why they are truly a sight to behold.
1. Houdan Chicken

The Houdan chicken is one of the oldest crested chicken breeds from France. It has a large crest, a V-shaped comb, a beard, and five toes on each foot. It is a dual-purpose breed that produces large white eggs and fine-quality meat. The Houdan chicken comes in two varieties: white and mottled.
2. Sultan Chicken

The Sultan chicken is a rare and ornamental breed from Turkey. It has a large crest, a beard, feathered feet, and five toes on each foot. It is a small breed that lays small white eggs and has very little meat. The Sultan chicken is very friendly and docile, but also very sensitive to cold and wet weather.
3. Polish Chicken

The Polish chicken is a popular and showy breed with many color varieties. It has a large crest that often covers its eyes, giving it an amusing appearance. It is mainly kept for its beauty and eggs, but it can also be used for meat production. The Polish chicken is curious and lively, but also nervous and flighty.
4. Silkie Chicken

The Silkie chicken is a fluffy and friendly breed with black skin, bones, and flesh. It has a small crest, feathered feet, and five toes on each foot. It lays small cream-colored eggs that are rich in protein. The Silkie chicken is very calm and gentle, making it an ideal pet for children. It is also known for its broodiness and maternal instincts.
5. Appenzeller Spitzhauben Chicken

The Appenzeller Spitzhauben chicken is a rare breed from Switzerland. It has a pointed crest that resembles a bonnet worn by Swiss women in the past. It also has white earlobes, a V-shaped comb, and feathered legs. It lays medium-sized white eggs and has good meat quality. The Appenzeller Spitzhauben chicken is active and hardy, able to cope with harsh climates.
6. Brabanter Chicken

The Brabanter chicken is an old breed from Belgium or Holland. It has a fan-shaped crest, a horn-shaped comb, a beard, and muffs. It lays medium-sized white eggs and has lean meat. The Brabanter chicken comes in three varieties: gold, silver, and cream. It is alert and intelligent, but also friendly and sociable.
7. Crevecoeur Chicken

The Crevecoeur chicken is another old French breed with a large crest, a V-shaped comb, a beard, and five toes on each foot. It is similar to the Houdan chicken but larger and more muscular. It lays medium-sized white eggs and has excellent meat quality, being considered one of the best table birds in France. The Crevecoeur chicken comes in two varieties: black and blue-laced black.
8. La Fleche Chicken

The La Fleche chicken is yet another old French breed with an unusual feature: it has two horn-like protuberances on its head instead of a crest or comb. It also has white earlobes, a beard, muffs, and four toes on each foot. It lays large white eggs and has superb meat quality, being nicknamed “the devil’s bird” for its black plumage and red wattles. The La Fleche chicken comes in three varieties: black, blue or splash.
9. Padovana Chicken

The Padovana chicken is an old Italian breed with a large crest and a beard. It originates from the city and province of Padua, in the Veneto region of north-eastern Italy. It is a small breed that lays small white eggs and has good meat quality. The Padovana chicken comes in many color varieties, such as black, white, silver-laced and golden-laced.
10. Pavlovskaya Chicken

The Pavlovskaya chicken is an ancient Russian breed with a plumed crest and feathered feet. It originates from the village of Pavlovo, near Nizhny Novgorod, in central Russia. It is a rare breed that lays small cream-colored eggs and has good meat quality. The Pavlovskaya chicken comes in a few color varieties, such as black-breasted red, white and spangled.
Afro chickens are amazing birds that add beauty and diversity to any flock. They have different needs and preferences depending on their breed, so make sure you do your research before getting one. Some of them are hardy and active, while others are sensitive and docile. Some of them are good layers and meat producers, while others are mainly for show and petting. Whatever your reason for keeping afro chickens, you will surely enjoy their company and charm.