If you love cows, you might be interested in learning about some of the fluffiest breeds in the world. These cows have thick, curly or wavy coats that make them look adorable and cuddly. This article will introduce you to seven of the fluffiest cow breeds and tell you some facts about their history, purpose, appearance and production.
1. Highland Cattle
Highland cattle are one of the oldest and most recognizable cattle breeds. They originated in Scotland and have been raised for centuries in the harsh and cold climate of the Highlands. Their long, shaggy hair protects them from wind, rain and snow and helps them conserve heat. Highland cattle are usually red, black, yellow, white or brindle in color and have long horns that curve upwards. They are known for their hardiness, intelligence and docility. Highland cattle are mainly raised for their meat, which is lean, tender and low in cholesterol. They can also produce milk, but not as much as other breeds.

2. Galloway Cattle
Galloway cattle are another ancient breed from Scotland. They are named after the region of Galloway, where they were first developed. Galloway cattle have a distinctive double coat of hair consisting of a coarse outer layer and a soft undercoat. This coat allows them to withstand cold and wet weather conditions and reduces the need for shelter and extra feed. Galloway cattle are usually black but can also be dun, red or white. They have no horns and a muscular body. Galloway cattle are prized for their meat quality, which is rich in flavor and low in fat. They are also good foragers and can adapt to different environments.

3. Belted Galloway Cattle
Belted Galloway cattle are a variation of the Galloway breed, with a distinctive white belt around their middle. The origin of this belt is uncertain, but some believe it is the result of crossbreeding with other breeds, such as Dutch Belted or Lakenvelder. Belted Galloway cattle have the same double coat of hair as the Galloway breed and share many of their characteristics. They are hardy, thrifty and easy to handle. Belted Galloway cattle are mainly raised for their meat, which is lean and flavorful.

4. Dexter Cattle
Dexter cattle are a small breed that originated in Ireland. They are considered one of the world’s most miniature cow breeds, with an average height of about 100 cm at the shoulder. Dexter cattle have a thick coat of hair that can be black, red or dun in color. They can be horned or polled, depending on the variety. Dexter cattle are versatile and multipurpose animals. They can produce meat, milk and leather and be used as draft animals or pets. Dexter cattle are friendly, gentle and easy to care for.
5. Jersey Cattle
Jersey cattle are a popular dairy breed originating on the island of Jersey in the English Channel. They are known for their beautiful brown coats ranging from light fawn to almost black. They have large eyes, long eyelashes and a refined head. Jersey cattle are small but produce a large amount of milk that is high in butterfat and protein. Jersey milk is ideal for making cheese, butter and cream. Jersey cattle are also docile, intelligent and adaptable.

6. Scottish Moiled Cattle
Scottish Moiled cattle are a rare breed that originated in Northern Ireland. They are named after their distinctive moiled or polled head, which means they have no horns or only small stubs. Scottish Moiled cattle have a curly coat that can be red or roan, with white markings on the face, underline and legs. They are medium-sized and well-proportioned animals. Scottish Moiled cattle are dual-purpose animals that can produce both meat and milk. They are known for their hardiness, fertility and longevity.
7. Lincoln Red Cattle
Lincoln Red cattle are a beef breed that originated in Lincolnshire, England. They are one of the oldest British breeds, dating back to the Roman times. Lincoln Red cattle have a thick coat of hair that is deep red or mahogany. They have a large frame and a muscular body. Lincoln Red cattle are renowned for their meat quality, which is tender, juicy and well-marbled. They are also easy to manage and calve.