Buffalo Gestation Calculator
A buffalo gestation calculator is a tool that can estimate the due date of a pregnant buffalo based on the date of service or exposure. It can also tell you how many days are left until the expected delivery date. A buffalo gestation calculator can be useful for planning the management and care of your pregnant buffaloes.
To use our buffalo gestation calculator, enter the date your buffalo was bred or serviced (mated). Then, click the calculate button to get the estimated due date and the remaining days of gestation.
Buffalo Gestation Calculator
Buffalo Gestation Chart
A buffalo gestation chart is a table or calendar that shows the estimated due dates of your buffalo based on the dates they were serviced or bred. You can use it as a reference or a record-keeping tool for your buffalo herd. You can also compare it with the results of the buffalo gestation calculator to verify the accuracy of your estimates.
A buffalo gestation chart can be useful for similar reasons as a buffalo gestation calculator. It can help you organize your farm activities and resources around your buffalo’s calving season.
To use our buffalo gestation chart, you need to find the date when your buffalo was bred in the “Date Bred” column of the table and follow the row to the right to see the estimated due date in the next column. You can download and print our printable Buffalo Gestation Chart for your convenience. It has a simple and clear design that is easy to read and use.
How long are buffalos pregnant?
Buffalos have an average gestation period of 307 days, varying from 280-334 days.