Goat Gestation Calculator
A goat gestation calculator is a simple online tool that can help you to calculate the due date for your pregnant doe. A goat gestation calculator can be useful for scheduling the breeding in your herd and planning ahead for the kidding season.
To use our goat gestation calculator, simply enter the date of first mating below and click calculate.
Goat Gestation Calculator
A goat gestation calculator can be a valuable tool for goat owners and breeders who want to plan ahead and prepare for the arrival of their new kids. However, it is important to remember that it is not a substitute for professional advice or care. Always watch your pregnant goat and be ready for any surprises along the way.
Goat Gestation Chart / Calendar / Table
A goat gestation chart is another way to estimate the due date of your pregnant doe. It is a printable table or calendar that shows the expected kidding dates based on the date of service. A goat gestation chart can be handy when you don’t have access to an online goat gestation calculator or when you want to have a quick reference.
To use our printable goat gestation chart below, simply find the date of mating and follow it across to the right column to see the expected kidding date. Please note that our goat gestation chart is based on a 147-day gestation period.
How long are goats pregnant?
Goats have an average gestation period of 147 days, varying from 145 to 155 days.