How to Identify Good & Poor Egg Layers
Distinguishing between a good layer and a bad layer could be quite difficult for inexperienced poultry farmers. For example, you may be interested in buying point of lay chickens, and …
Distinguishing between a good layer and a bad layer could be quite difficult for inexperienced poultry farmers. For example, you may be interested in buying point of lay chickens, and …
A layer feeding and weight chart is an essential management tool for poultry producers. The chart allows farmers to track the weight gain and feed intake of their layers so …
The broiler starter feed is one of the most important diets of broilers and specifically for new, young broiler chicks. Proper nutrition during the starter phase is essential for proper …
When you’re ready to sell your livestock farm products, it’s important to have a plan in place to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. There are a …
What is Egg Eating? Egg eating is an uncommon, terrible habit (a form of cannibalism) developed by some hens where they eat their own eggs or the eggs laid by …
What is an egg incubator? This is a device used to hatch fertile eggs of poultry birds. Incubator users usually make use of it to hatch the eggs of chickens …
Is it not good to have a WhatsApp or Telegram Group? A platform where you and I can learn from one another as livestock farmers. I have been thinking about …
It is obvious that poultry farming has become so popular in different parts of the world. It is a promising agribusiness enterprise, but poultry farmers must equip themselves with the …
Use the feed formula below to formula or produce the chick mash for your chicks or turkey poults. Disclaimer: Livestocking is not responsible for any damage, loss or negative effect of …
Birds kept and raised for meat production, egg-laying, and feather production are referred to as poultry. Since poultry farming is relatively easy to start and grow, it has become more …