A Beginner’s Guide to Rabbit Farming
Rabbit farming is the process of breeding, fattening and reproducing rabbits, economically to obtain the maximum benefit in the sale of its products and by-products. Rabbit production is little exploited …
Rabbit farming is the process of breeding, fattening and reproducing rabbits, economically to obtain the maximum benefit in the sale of its products and by-products. Rabbit production is little exploited …
Humans started the domestication of animals many years ago. These animals were used for food, power and clothing then and even up till today. The animals that were first domesticated …
Water is important, especially to man and animals. It is the responsibility of a livestock keeper or breeder to provide adequate, clean, and pathogen-free water to the animals. One importance …
What is Brooding in Poultry Production? Brooding is defined as the management of chicks from one day old to about 8 weeks of age, and it involves the provision of …
Feeds are important to animals but not the most important to animals. The most vital is the overall nutritional composition of the feeds that are given to animals. It is …
The names of sexes, young and act of giving birth in some livestock animals are presented on the table below:
One of the ways to make money in the livestock industry, especially in Nigeria, is by selling rams. By starting a ram selling business, you will be able to make …
Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the condition where a female animal has young, developing in her uterus. The period of pregnancy also known as the gestation period is the …
What is Pig Farming? Pig production involves the raising and management of pigs mainly for meat (pork). This aspect of livestock farming has gained top recognition in most parts of …
Some years ago, a friend of mine sadly said “I dabbled into poultry farming without getting the basic facts about poultry farming. I only knew that you give broiler starter …