This post will show you how to build chicken coops with ease and give you useful information about housing poultry. There may be questions you may need to answer and consider before you build chicken coops.
1. How many chickens do you have?
You have to give enough space or more room for your chicken. For example, you wouldn’t want to keep 10 chickens for your 2-chicken coops space.
2. What is the weather like in your area?
This is another factor that you may need to consider. What type of temperatures do you typically have both summer and winter? How much rain do you get? The very first winter we had chickens, I place a heat lamp out in the pen to maintain them warm. As we got a small a lot more experience below our belts, we quickly learned that most chickens don’t mind the cold at all, and I was cooking my chickens! It’s the heat they can’t stand. Makes sense? We ought to have known feathers make for brilliant insulation?
Also Read:Â [DIY] How to Build a Chicken Coop
3. Where are you going to build your chicken coop?
Do you want a long-term chicken coop or a mobile chicken coop? I reckon I will build a mob chicken coop in the future. It would be wonderful to manage exactly where they do their duty. It makes excellent fertilizer and chickens are the finest exterminators for bugs you are able to find. No hiding from a hungry chicken! What in case you place closer towards the kitchen? Eggs could not get any fresher.
4. What is your spending budget?
Whenever you use chicken housing plans, you may find different things you may be able to do to keep your charges minimal if you have a limited budget. In some cases, if you know a few quick and simple tricks, you might even be capable of building chicken coops for free of charge.
I would like to recommend a great book resource that would explain and show you in details, the steps in building a durable chicken coop with awesome chicken coop plans. A lot of backyard poultry farmers have bought this book and I don’t want my readers to be left out. Simply click HERE to learn more about this book.