4 Vital Tips for Beginner’s Pig Farming

Pregnancy and gestation periods for farm animals

Though I have published several articles on pigs and swine production for existing and beginner pig farmers and I think it is necessary to give a few guidelines that intending pig farmers must have at the back of their minds. Are you looking forward to raising pigs (hogs) for meat? If yes, then you need to know that raising pigs requires more deliberations than you think. There are a lot of things to consider before you become a pig farmer. You must adhere to the following guidelines you need as a beginner hog farmer.

Also Read: How to Start Modern Pig Farming

1. Consultation

The first thing you should do is to consult your local agency to inquire if you are allowed to raise any type of livestock in your area of residence, most especially pigs. Some countries have some requirements in place before they allow you to raise livestock.

2. Planning

You should plan ahead on how many pigs you’re planning on raising. Depending on the amount of land you have. 50 square feet is usually required for the housing. You should also look at the amount of money you are prepared to spend for establishing the pig farm. Starting with 2 or more pigs will definitely cost you more than starting with one pig. However, it is advisable to start with one boar and two sows (gilt). With three pigs, you can be able to monitor them and make sure they get enough nutrition and care. Once you get used to caring for them you can then add more pigs.

Also Read: Breeds of Pigs

3. Housing

Before your pigs are delivered you should make sure you have prepared a shelter for them. A sturdy pen would be a good choice. The pen will protect your pigs from hot and cold temperatures and also from unwanted intruders. Make sure that the pen is big enough to accommodate the pigs even as they grow older. The pen should also have a feeding and watering trough. The pen house should have a fence built around it to allow the pigs to enjoy the outsides but at the same time be safe and not disappear.

4. Feed and Nutrition

When raising pigs for meat, it is no doubt that nutrition plays a big role. So make sure that the pigs are getting the right amount of nutrients. Pigs like grains and are supplied in the form of mash and pellets. You can also go for organic ways of feeding but this will cost you more.

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