Did you know some people don’t know all the external parts of a chicken? Don’t be surprised. You could be part of them. Well, the external parts of a chicken include the following:

- Comb: It is the fleshy attachment on the top part of the chicken’s head, and it is usually red.
- Eyes: A chicken possesses two eyes, and each eye is located on each side of the head.
- Beak: The beak of a chicken is made up of the upper beak and the lower beak.
- Earlobes: The earlobes are two in number. Each lobe is located at one side of a chicken’s head.
- Wattles: They are the two red fleshy skins hanging below the beak.
- Breast: It is the broad, plump part located at the front of a chicken.
- Shank: It is the lower leg of a chicken that is covered by scales.
- Hock: It is the leg joint of a chicken, and it bends in the opposite direction.
- Wings: They are the two wings, each located on one side of a chicken’s body.
- Tail Feathers: They are the feathers located at the posterior or caudal part, and they point upwards.
- Cloaca: This is the anus of a chicken. It is the opening through which chickens pass out faeces or lay eggs.
- Toes: A chicken has eight toes. Each foot has four toes – three toes point forward while one points backward for balancing purposes.