Is it not good to have a WhatsApp or Telegram Group? A platform where you and I can learn from one another as livestock farmers. I have been thinking about creating a platform where like-minded farmers and individuals relate with one another and where they can ask questions and be asked questions. We can use this forum to share ideas and help others with little or no experience.
My desire is to make this group a High Quality (HQ) community, where all community members communicate as if they live together in a real community. No abuses, insults or attacks on one’s personality. This means there will be rules that must be adhered to, to remain a member of the group. This would make the group HQ and an organized online livestock farmers group.
We are doing our best to get like-minded people together so as to build a community of great livestock farmers. We have recently created a WhatsApp and Telegram group for fast and easy communication among members.
Livestock Farmers Group is the best poultry WhatsApp group and Telegram group including the following areas
- Aquaculture
- Cattle
- Goat
- Sheep
- Pig/Swine
- Micro-livestock (cane-rat, rabbits, snail etc.)
- General discussions
- Advertisement and job offers
Due to the limitations with WhatsApp Group, we have moved to Telegram, a better platform that accommodates more people.
If you have Telegram App on your Mobile phone, Click this link to join–q_8zNzZk
If you don’t have the App, download it here
See you at the other end.
Kindly like and share this post for the benefit of others.
I am in Uganda. He can I buy your formula?
Hi Angela! You can pay using Western Union Money Transfer.
Please I wish to learn more about farming
Informative site
Thank you!
Please sir, add me on Whatsapp group 07030992803
Pls I need your phone number sir
I will like to join farmers group and will appreciate if my details can be added to the group WhatsApp. Thanks
Hi Onabanjo. We are not on WhatsApp. We have over 1000 members on our Telegram Group. Kindly use this link to join
I’m a potential Farmer that need update on farming sharing views as well.
I live in Lagos
Comment:thanks so much I appreciate your teachings. pls add me on the telegram group ok
Add me your WhatsApp group
Hey Akinbobola,
I must say a big thank you for the great job you are doing here.
Please where can I get Large white, During, Kandace and Poland China piglets to buy?
What’s your location?
Please i need your phone number
Hello sir I try joining in the group chat but am finding it difficult pls add me
Hi Akinbobola A.,
I am a Kenyan living in Nairobi and interested in Heliculture but unable to get the WhatsApp link. Kindly add me +254733540778
We are not on WhatsApp anymore. Join us on Telegram–q_8zNzZk
I will want to know where I can buy
breed of Large white, Landrace Ans durock. around Edo and Delta state. this is my contact: 07068221391
Visit the Ministry of Agriculture (Livestock Section) of your state.
I am mosotho woman aged 48, I’m a potential that need to know on farming sharing views as well.
I am a new farmer with pigs, especially Camborough pigs.
this is my contacts number for whatsapp:- +266 – 69295522, please add me on your whatsapp group
I appreciate your, work and being part of it,is synergy which is also very important to my job as an agricultural extensionist and a logistics provider for rural farmers in a shop integrated with crop and livestock input. suggestions that will help me succeed are also welcomed
I would like to join your WhatsApp or telegram group.
Please add me I’d love to buy the book and be in the group 09094999955
Done. Thank you!
Pls add me I would love to join the group and get materials needed
Please, where can I buy 3-4weeks old broiler chicken in Ogun state, Abeokuta to be precise?
Good morning sir ,please what drug do I give to layers from day old
Go to this link
I want to join the group my no is 08084616778
Thanks for the info. Please where can I get point of mating grasscutters or gregnant grasscutter to buy. I live in Mowe, Ogun State.
There is a source in Ikorodu, Lagos.
Comment:please give a WhatsApp link to join through
Afternoon sir, I appreciate your input in raising broiler. But I need more knowledge. Thanks
Hello sir, what can I feed my sheep to fatten her? she’s skinny. Thank you!
this is my whatsapp number :09069655573, i wanna learn more about heliculture(snail farming )pls can you add me to your whatsapp group.
i will be very greatfull if you do so..
Comment: i will like to join,: 07061104188
Evening sir /ma, I need a company that can be buying matured broiler while raised.. 08074288862… 08039388439
Hello please I’d like to join the group for farmers (livestock farmers). How do I go about it?
Please add me to your what’s app group. 08162272546. Thanks.
Please add me to your whatapp group 08183085906 Thanks
Add me 72409026 to your WhatsApp group
Abdulazeez from kano kindly add me to whatsapp group
Finally i’v seen someone in my state(current location)
trying to join whassapp group and telegram please add me this is my number 08036655737
Good morning sir. What an informative site. Please I would like to join the whatsapp group chat. Or better still, add me with 08026561387. Thanks.
Trying to join whatsapp group and telegram pls add me my number 08060614702
Interested to join What’s up group please add 254722207186.
Plz Add me 03434035384
Ebrume Farms
pls add me to the Whatsapp group 08062402492
Do you have menu book on the herbal treatment for chickens? If yes, send me the soft copy please.
I am Fayemi Ajayi Ilesanmi . Can you add me to the WhatsApp group. My number is 07035462727
The group is now on Telegram–q_8zNzZk
i m vet plz ad me..thnx
Add me to WhatsApp group pls???? my chicken just died????
Please where can I get Large white, During, Kandace and Poland China piglets to buy?
I would love to learn more add me on your whatsap group
Please sir where can I buy goat feed in lagos or where do I order for it,it is urgent sir,thanks
You can ask those goat, ram or cattle sellers in Lagos. They will tell you how to get them around Lagos.
HI, THIS IS Rogers from Uganda. I m interested in poultry (layers) kindly add me on this famous group i think it can be very helpful
+256781290809 is my contact [email protected]
I want to buy snail for farming purposes, please where can i.
promise 08028171317
I will happy if I am added
Please Sir add me in WhatsApp and Telegram, thanks.
Kindly join through the link provided in the post.
Kindly include me in the group. I’m interested in Piggery.
My phone(WhatSapp): 0805851591
add me to the whatsapp group. i am from Malawi.
Add me
Please add me in your WhatsApp group. I’m so interested and here are my numbers 0993416326 and 0982873940
My birds have this disease I don’t know the name. One side of the eye swells then closed, can I administer bitter leaf to their water. Almost all of them are affected
Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics to them.
Am Akintoye Tade.Please add me to your WhatsApp group sir .my no is 08060525227
Thanks for the wonderful information concerning feeds. God bless your work
Add me 08058852539
Hi there I’m from Capetown western cape this is my wattsapp contact 0817941263 please add me to yoyr krulouer chicken group I am very much interested in perchursing some chicks specially the cockrils
Kindly add me to your WhatsApp group, I’m an animal scientist. Victoria- 08131693166
Hi I am Chali from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
how can I Improve my layers feeding
Please add me to your WhatsApp group. My number is 07013163580.
Do you recommend organic farming. If so can I give garlic, Ginger, scent leave, bitter leave along with the synthetic multivitamins.