Livestocking Feed Formulation Software

I have come up with a simple Excel Based Livestock Feed Formulation software. I named it the LIVESTOCKING FEED FORMULATOR. This software is useful to every livestock farmer or nutritionist. It wasn’t so easy to develop this feed formulator, but it was a great pleasure completing the project.

Why I developed this product?

Well, we all know that a perfect feed formulation technique or skill is uncommon. There are thousands of poultry farmers across the globe and less than 1% of them know how to formulate or compound the right feed for their birds. So knowing the challenges that surround feed formulation and compounding, I decided to come up with something to make feed formulation easy for farmers or whoever is interested in preparing a particular feed ration. Some of these challenges include:

  • determining the nutritional composition of a feed
  • knowing the quantity of feed ingredients to use for formulation
  • slow and time taking process of formulating manually
  • knowing the rough estimate of the price per unit of feed

With this simple feed formulator, all those challenges mentioned are gone and you can rest assured your birds are getting the right feed for optimal production or performance.

Why do You Need this Software?

First and foremost, the categories of people who need this feed formulator include:

  • Livestock farmer or producer
  • Animal nutritionist
  • Agriculturists
  • Feed mill owner
  • Student
  • Researcher
  • Feed expert

So if you fall under one of those categories, this product would be very useful to you. You can use the feed formulation software to create the desired feed for your animals within a few minutes instead of the old-fashioned way of paper, pen, and calculator. You will save more time to attend to other things and you can use the formulator to confirm the nutritional composition of any feed you formulated manually.

Is this made for poultry farmers only?

No, it is not made for poultry farmers alone. It can be used by pig farmers, cattle farmers, goat farmers, sheep farmers, cane rat farmers, rabbit farmers, and any other livestock farmers.

What are the requirements for this to work?

To use this feed formulator, you will need a computer with Microsoft Excel (1997 or older). This is because the Feed Formulator is MS Excel-based. So without it, you can’t open the formulator file.

I don’t have a computer, can I use this Feed Formulator on a smartphone?

You cannot use it on a smartphone. Using a smartphone limits the functionality of the formulator.

Is this product easy to use?

I have packaged it in such a way that it is very easy for anyone to use it. Just open the feed formulation software, do some figures key-ins and voila.

Is this for feed formulation only?

Yes, this product is for feed formulation only. Nothing more!

I reside outside Nigeria, will I be able to use this?

When creating this feed formulator, I intended to create it for Nigerians only. However, I changed my mind and made a plan to make it useable for people living in other countries other than Nigeria. If you are not in Nigeria and you intend to buy this, kindly send me an email via [email protected].

Will I get product updates and support for free?

If you bought this product directly from me, you will get product updates free and free support anytime.

How much is the feed formulator?

The price of this Livestocking Feed Formulator software is ₦25,000. Read the next question to learn how you can get it.

How do I buy or pay for this product?

Buying or paying for this product is easy. Click this link to buy on Livestocking Shop using your debit card. If you want to pay directly into a bank account, kindly send an email to info [at]

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29 thoughts on “Livestocking Feed Formulation Software”


    My name is Olanrewaju Ebenezer Ayodele, please can you add me to your group o telegram. In other for me to be a benefactor of all your farming teaching. I love farming especially Animal farming.
    I saw your blog on my Computer when i was browsing this morning and immediately I downloaded Telegram Application on my Phone and this is my phone number: 07039250528 . Please i will be expecting your response soon.
    Thank you.

  2. Good day Sir.
    I’ve been visiting your site for sometime now. But I just took the bold step to buy special broiler feed formular. I’ve posted as directed by you. An acknowledgement of the payment is still been expected

  3. Hi Jon. Thanks for your interest. I will send a 1-day trial sample to your email in order to access the features. Regards

  4. Dear sir,
    I am one of your followers. I have 1,000 layers I bought at day old 12th, July 2018. They started laying 20th November 2018. But as at today, their production is not up to 48%
    I have tried everything I can but no result.
    Please advise me

  5. Good day sir, I am impressed with all I saw on your blog and Facebook, keep it up. Actually, I wish to start a poultry farm immediately after this lockdown, you said that we can call you for booking birds, but I don’t have your contact number as well as your email address. I will be glad to speak with you. Here is my contact: 08039408584


      Hi Adekeye,
      I’m from Kenya and appreciates your efforts and exemplary work on livestock matters.
      I would like to try this software…
      Kindly help and also guide me how i can support you…


  6. Good morning,
    please i want a trial version of goat feed formulator and i need guidelines on how to make it a real business for my living.
    And i am into poultry business but i have not gotten customers for good sales and i would not mind joining your telegram for more details.

    Babatunde Wahid

    I have posted earlier i want you to add me to your telegram group for livestock farming sir.
    my phone no is 08023924097.

    mwilola w. simon

    Am from Zambia and like to go into layers project. please send me a trial software and get intouch with me.

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