Nutritional Composition of Major Livestock Feed Ingredients

Do you want to formulate feed for your animals but don’t know the nutritional composition of some of the feed ingredients? Well, recently, I stumbled on a document that contains some of the vital information you need. All thanks to the Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS). They compiled a list of common feed ingredients such as maize, sorghum, wheat offal, soybean meal, palm kernel cake (PKC) and groundnut cake, and their respective proximate nutritional composition which includes energy, crude protein, crude fiber and available phosphorus.

If you are starting a feed milling business, want to formulate feed by yourself or want to know the nutritional composition of different livestock feed ingredients, the table below contains the information you need.

Also Read: Nutritional Requirements of Chicks, Pullets & Layers

If you need any clarification or questions regarding the information in the table below. Drop them in the comment box.

Nutritional Composition of Major Livestock Feed Ingredients

IngredientsCP %(min)ME (Kcal/kg)(min)CF %(max)Lys %(min)Meth %(min)Cal %Avail P %
Maize (White & Yellow)7335030.
White Guinea Corn8328850.
Yellow Guinea Corn8328850.
Whole Wheat1332002.80.320.170.050.4
Wheat Flour1530401.51
Cassava Chips/Flour2.530003.
Cassava Grits5285050.
Cassava Starch228002
Vegetable Oil780097
Refined Soya Oil780097
Fish Oil780097
Soya Oil8370
Palm Oil7710
Groundnut Cake (GNC)40264081.60.480.20.2
Groundnut Meal42255081.60.480.20.2
Soybean Meal (SBM)4225006.52.80.590.20.6
Soybean Cake (SBC)45295082.80.590.20.5
Full Fat Soya (Extruded)3730005.52.250.490.20.5
Full Fat Soya (Roasted/Toasted)3731005.52.250.490.20.5
Full Fat Soya (Micronized)3731005.52.250.490.20.5
Brewers Yeast30242033.
Cotton Seed Meal3521464.
Cotton Seed Cake2521462510.30.151.1
Roselle Seed Cake (Zobo)292500171.60.450.45
Sunflower Cake45.4232012.210.50.370.16
Corn Gluten6037402.511.90.020.18
Wheat Gluten7538521.391.3
Fish Meal (72%)72290014.51.926 max3 max
Fish Meal (65%)6528602318 max5 max
Local Fish Meal45-55270023110 max7 max
Blood Meal80322016.910.280.22
Maize Offal92500120.
Sorghum Offal15270060.
Wheat Offal1518708.
Palm Kernel Meal152175150.640.390.210.16
Palm Kernel Cake (PKC)162450150.640.390.210.16
Rice Bran12286090.
Rice Husk3120028
Rice Offal (Parboiled)3.51200360.20.070.16
Rice Offal (Unparboiled)5.51300300.20.070.15
Brewers Dried Grains (BDG)181980150.
Corn Cobs2.3528350.11

ME= Metabolisable Energy
CP= Crude Protein
CF= Crude Fiber
Avail P= Available Phosphorus
Lys= Lysine
Meth= Methionine
Cal= Calcium


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13 thoughts on “Nutritional Composition of Major Livestock Feed Ingredients”

  1. Weldone sir. You have done a great job. 90% of information you shared here are correct witj what i know offhand.
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