The Nutritional Requirements of Broiler Breeders (Parent Stock)

Broiler Parent Stock

Broiler parent stock is specifically raised to produce fertile eggs and broiler chicks. Broiler Parent Stock (also known as Broiler Breeder) has different nutritional requirements from that of normal meat broilers.

Hence, it is important that the feed given to broiler parent stock at each stage of their lives must meet all the essential nutrients required by them. This is simply to help them perform optimally in terms of growth and egg production.

The nutritional requirements of Broiler Parent Stock or Breeders are presented in the table below.

Broiler Breeder Starter (0 to 8 Weeks)

Metabolizable Energy (ME)3000 kcal/kg
Crude Protein (CP)22% (min)
Crude Fat6% (max)
Crude Fibre (CF)7% (max)
Calcium1% (min)
Phosphorus, available0.45% (min)
Lysine1.06% (min)
Methionine0.51% (min)
Methionine + Cystine0.84% (min)
Tryptophan0.19% (min)

Broiler Breeder Grower (9 to 17 Weeks)

Metabolizable Energy (ME)2850 kcal/kg
Crude Protein (CP)15% (min)
Crude Fat4% (max)
Crude Fibre (CF)7% (max)
Calcium1% (min)
Phosphorus, available0.45% (min)
Lysine0.68% (min)
Methionine0.38% (min)
Methionine + Cystine0.63% (min)
Tryptophan0.19% (min)

Broiler Breeder Male (18 Weeks and Above)

Metabolizable Energy (ME)2700 kcal/kg
Crude Protein (CP)12% (min)
Crude Fat4% (max)
Crude Fibre (CF)6% (max)
Calcium0.7% (min)
Phosphorus, available0.35% (min)
Lysine0.50% (min)
Methionine0.31% (min)
Methionine + Cystine0.48% (min)
Tryptophan0.09% (min)

Broiler Breeder Female (18 to 45 Weeks)

Metabolizable Energy (ME)2750 kcal/kg
Crude Protein (CP)15% (min)
Crude Fat4.5% (max)
Crude Fibre (CF)6% (max)
Calcium3% (min)
Phosphorus, available0.35% (min)
Lysine0.67% (min)
Methionine0.41% (min)
Methionine + Cystine0.67% (min)
Tryptophan0.16% (min)

Broiler Breeder Female (46-72 Weeks)

Metabolizable Energy (ME)2750 kcal/kg
Crude Protein (CP)15% (min)
Crude Fat4.5% (max)
Crude Fibre (CF)6% (max)
Calcium3.2% (min)
Phosphorus, available0.33% (min)
Lysine0.62% (min)
Methionine0.40% (min)
Methionine + Cystine0.62% (min)
Tryptophan0.15% (min)

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7 thoughts on “The Nutritional Requirements of Broiler Breeders (Parent Stock)”

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